financial accounting essay

Thus, ability of the businesses to keep their operating costs under control could significantly impact this ratio. For instance, when an organisation borrows money from a bank, its bank balance as well as the loans payable balance increases. Accounting is a systematic process or work that identifies, records, reports and analyses financial transactions and information of a business. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. ESSAY/THEORY ANSWERS. Accounting is also used as a tool of meeting legal requirements. Thus, it is important for businesses to manage their capital structure efficiently. An example of a prospectus for a research paper. All work is written to order. The net worth of a firm is derived from the difference between the company’s assets and the liabilities. This allows the board of directors, stockholders, potential investors, creditors and financial institutions to see how the company has performed during a specific period of time in the past. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Robertson, J., 2007, Financial Ratio Analysis, 3rd edition. Although a higher payable days positively impacts the working capital requirement of a business, a business should try to negotiate longer credit days rather than delaying payments to increase the payables days because the latter could have a detrimental impact on the supplier relationship and impact the ability of a business to procure supplies. Typical examples of current assets include debtors and inventory. The higher the profit margin, the better it is because a high profit margin reflects a business organisation’s ability to earn higher profits per unit of revenue. Financial statement information is valuable to investors as it enables them to know the profitability of a business entity and thus make decisions on whether to invest or not. Changes in owners equity arises from the increase or decreases in owner’s capital account as a result of the various transactions that occur in an accounting period. Cookies Policy, This essay on Financial Accounting and Its Main Purposes was written and submitted by your fellow student. Baneriee, B. This chapter has looked at the basics to double entry technique, explained the key components of financial statements and assessed various tools of analysing financial information. ICAEW, 2012a, Financial Reporting Study Manual, 6th Edition, Exeter, Polestar Wheatons. "Financial Accounting and Its Main Purposes." Thereafter, the profit figure is adjusted for the changes in the current assets and current liabilities over a period of time to arrive at the net cash flow from the operations. Administrative expenses refer to those expenses that are incurred on day-to-day activities of a business. ��r�Et��>2��1ܺ��z]�o���C�>��� �'t��ܿ��h������.ټ�Q�9P��A 6����Õ�n]/��ty����[�O eG������LN���MbH�g��ΓPD�x"Jx��S:��!&�[f��i��j\N������j2�Ť��"�>j� L�R���_���(�������%S�$Zt�lzx���s��Ƒ�ww���iP��� �j6?���&�H͕���T��,���y� We can either improve your writing before your teacher sees the work, or make corrections after. Equity refers to owners claim in company’s assets after deducting liabilities (Weygandt, 2008, P.6-12). Promoting the original content that will satisfy the customers, the experts Financial Accounting, 4Th Ed|Kimmel are ensuring the academic success of the students and making them come back for more essays. On 31st January 2017, electricity expense is recognised in the account by debiting the electricity expense account since it is increasing. Accounting Research Proposal: 20 Essay Topics to Disclose. Introduction Accounting as a discipline and practice is concerned with recording, estimating, organizing and summarizing financial and operational data (Garrison, Noreen & Brewer 2011, p. 34; Hilton & Platt 2011, p. 45). Manny is considering three significant life events that will affect details of his financial statements. Differences between financial accounting and management accounting. Accounting is the process of analyzing, evaluating, recording, and summarizing a company's financial records, accounting like marketing is a very important department in any organization failure to keep financial record may lead to the fall of a business caused by mismanagement of funds plus other various reasons. The best way to describe an accounting essay is to say it is a short written piece concerning the activities or practices involved in maintaining and/or checking the integrity of financial documents and records. Operating profit is the profit made by a business after deducting cost of sales and overhead expenses. Liabilities could be defined as an obligation arising from a past event, the settlement of which would lead to an outflow of the future economic benefits from an entity (IFRS, 2012). Investors with a preference of receiving regular dividend payments should invest in companies with high dividend yields. Current ratio measures the ability of a business to meet its short-term obligations out of its current assets. We endeavor to deliver 100% satisfaction every time you come to us for assistance. Our operators are always ready to assist and work for you 24/7. Thus, the absence of any definitive guidelines regarding its interpretation limits its utility in the real world. 16-22. Financial Accounting: The role of aging is to reflect the past, from an emphasis on the principle of objectivity, or adhere to the principle of historical cost, can only reflect the actual occurrence of the economic and business. Financial accounting (6th ed). The balance sheet can be used in determining the liquidity level of a firm by comparing the current assets amount to the current liabilities amount.

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