retrofitter foundry combo legacy
I have written about these many times before and not much as changed here, except this is also an, Some amount of Baubles are common in mono-blue artifact decks since they work so well with, Running so many ways to generate card advantage and cutting, One of the primary reasons the deck can be built in this way, there’s very little that. It's been good in legacy for a while but got much better recently with [[Urza's Saga]]. I create Lage, he blocks with his only remaining flier and I slam Needle naming Emry. I work on generating thopters with Retrofitter and tap out for another Valakut. This book tells 101 stories of company efforts to implement the many aspects of flow manufacturing -- including such topics as just-in-time production, total quality control, reorganization of factories into product-focused or customer ... It helps that in the grand scheme of legacy, ninjas is a relatively cheap. Game 2: I mulligan to 5 and keep a sketch hand but feel it’s probably better than a decent 4. Game 1: Opponent begins his turns with Great Furnace + Goblin Engineer and pitches a Grindstone. His face fills with dread as he only has 2 lands on his side of the field and he says to me “That’s still in your deck?” To which I reply “Yeaaaa,” trying to sound empathetic but feeling like I have the game wrapped up. Search Results for Retrofitter Foundry. Search Results for sacred foundry. He thinks a bit… and then starts storming off. I play Tabernacle and pass, he then plays a dual land and passes back. Much like Hogaak, Elves is good against fair decks and bad against combo decks. My BUG Shadow opponent sideboarded into Smog combo and I had no answers, and it wasn’t even on my radar. I die to Murktide and my tournament is over. These are the kinds of games I signed up for when I registered this deck. Artifact. Last month, I updated the Legacy Power Rankings with Modern Horizons 2, and not very much has happened since. Doomsday is the best combo deck in Legacy. When your opponent disrupts this plan, you can use Echo of Eons as a way to refill and continue your game plan. TYPE. Because of this deck and of Urza’s Saga we’ve seen an uptick in Dress Down, an enchantment that’s able to kill any Construct tokens from Urza’s Saga as well as Sneak and Show’s Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, removing haste from it and therefore effectively countering it. Breya, Etherium Shaper + Deadeye Navigator + Great Whale ( Infinite Player Damage / Infinite Creature Damage / Infinite Life Gain) Ashnod's Altar + Myr Battlesphere + Nim Deathmantle ( Infinite Tokens / Infinite Mana / Infinite Power/Toughness) Illusionist's Bracers + Captain of the Mists + Gilded Lotus + Breya, Etherium Shaper. We get our pictures taken and congratulations are all accounted for and we get the news that we will be entering Top 8 momentarily (someone anonymously submitted that they wanted to play it out). If the argument is between having a card that’s good in some matchups but dead in most, then to me that’s almost the literal definition of a sideboard card. I know that the Cannonist isn’t really much of a threat but I figured that if I destroyed all of his permanents he would concede and that’s exactly what happens. 7 Swamp. 1 Grafdigger's Cage. I play a Maze of Ith to further lock him out and he concedes. I also kept an eye on key websites that would post deck lists every few days for both online and paper in order to see what lists were performing well. The GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard helps companies and other organizations to identify, calculate, and report GHG emissions. He proceeds to combo kill me and we go to Game 3. {1}, {T}, Sacrifice a Servo: Create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying. One of his friends is now standing behind him watching the match as we’re close to time in the round at this point and on his EOT I Crop for a Tabby. He casts Dark Ritual into a second Shallow Grave and puts Griselbrand onto the battlefield and I’m very happy that I’ve kept up the ability to Maze. On my turn I wasteland him down to 1 land and take a few hits from 1 goblin until I work up getting a Saga online and start beating down with a construct. With a Turbine in play you won't have to tap lands to pay it's mana costs. The first wave is over, but the invasion rages on. While this card is one of my favorite cards in the deck, Wasteland does a fine-enough job at the mana denial strategy that cutting a few Ports doesn’t really hurt the deck too badly. Win at spot. As I stated earlier, the deck only has a few win conditions and generally speaking 1 or 2 of these win conditions are best versus certain decks so they should be your main focus. Repeat process for infinite mana. I Rotate EOT for a Wasteland and tick up Blast Zone to 2 in order to answer his threat if needed and also set up Wasteland + Loam next turn to destroy all of his permanents. WINCON: Endurance beats with Retrofitter backup. I draw and play GQ on his Ancient Tomb to take him off of his mana since incremental damage by servos is a way I can lose this game and decide that this is the best option I have at slowing him down. I drew Wasteland for the turn and immediately used it. I was ready…and I ended 2-4 for the day which felt miserable, however I learned two very valuable lessons: I was not ready, and I needed to do something about all of my dead draws during game play (more on this later). Ninjas also somewhat acts like a combo deck, as you look to combine your enablers (Ornithopter, Changeling Outcast and Mothdust Changeling) with your payoff (Yuriko, Ingenious Infiltrator and Retrofitter Foundry), but clearly it isn't going to be winning on turn two like the traditional combo decks in the format. I look over at my friend who’s still with me and his eyes are as bloodshot as mine. We go to Game 3. I’m having vivid flashbacks to the last tournament where I lost to this card out of a BUG Shadow sideboard so I keep in mind to keep my Punishing Fires in my deck post-board. The new toy that Moon Stompy has adopted is Fireflux Squad, a hasty four-drop that can turn your Goblin tokens that you got into play from Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss or Hanweir Garrison into a real threat, shortening the clock immensely. , Sacrifice a Thopter: Create a 4/4 colorless Construct artifact creature token. Retrofitter Foundry, The Grand Calcutron, Golem Foundry, Mirrodin Besieged, Efficient Construction, Master Transmuter, . Soul-Guide Lantern is also a really effective option and since this deck plays Urza’s Saga, a single copy can go a long way. The clock still shows a healthy 35 minutes however, so I’m guessing that he knows this match up can take a while if the pilots are slow. Game 1: My opponent starts off by Duress’ing me on Underground Sea and the only deck I can put him on is Storm with a possibility of Doomsday. The deck still suffers against Bant Control with Endurance and Prismatic Ending, as well as Chalice of the Void, but it’s much more consistent now, and that’s enough for it to hold the number one spot. Deck 4 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer 4 Murktide Regent 1 Retrofitter Foundry 1 Relic of Progenitus 1 Aether Spellbomb 1 Pyroblast 2 Unholy Heat 4 Brainstorm 4 Daze 4 Force of Will 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Expressive Iteration 4 Ponder 4 Urza's Saga 1 Island 1 Mountain 2 Wasteland 2 Polluted Delta 2 Misty Rainforest 2 Flooded . ️ The Grand Calcutron (EDH / Commander) Sylvan Library / Gamble: As a way to increase my chances of winning Game 1’s I ran 1 to 2 copies of Gamble in the main deck. Since there is a fair amount of innovation in this list, especially when compared to traditional approaches to mono-blue, and this innovation is specifically well-suited for the Legacy metagame at the moment, now seemed like a great time to evaluate this deck.
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