how long was cooper in the tesseract

Gargantua and Pantagruel, collective title of five comic novels by François Rabelais, published between 1532 and 1564. As a simple illustration, let’s re-frame Warren Buffett’s purchase of Berkshire Hathaway textiles: a physical (factory) asset purchased below cost / replacement value might have latent earnings power. What defines economic value in an information space seems similar to real estate: proximity, specialization and monetization. This essay is about the business model of (information) platforms, like Google, Facebook and Tencent, which are some of the most dominant businesses the world has ever seen. Things You Only Notice In Interstellar After Watching It More Than Once. Dr. Mann (Matt Damon), who has been in cryosleep for over 35 years, is awakened by Cooper and has a mental breakdown and relieved he is rescued. Answer (1 of 15): Spoiler Alert I am going to have to explain the important points in Interstellar which make up the "plot twist", so a tl;dr is included at the bottom of this answer. ET, November 19, 2021 Great-aunt of man shot by Rittenhouse: "He perceived an active shooter" From CNN's Leinz Vales Found inside – Page 114Life on earth in Interstellar (2014) is doomed when a blight kills off all plants. a series of messages, ... Cooper emerges from the tesseract, meets his aging daughter (ellen Burstyn) and then goes off to join Brand's colony. After falling into the black hole, Cooper continues to record what he’s seeing and transmits it back to TARS, hoping the additional data might help the scientists back on Earth. Brand. The main sequence star Pantagruel and the habitable planet Edmunds are both within a year’s flight of Gargantua, and Gargantua is within a few weeks’ spaceflight of the Wormhole. Found inside – Page 271Cooper's spirit is similarly tested when , descending into the black hole Gargantua , he finds himself trapped in a tesseract , a hypercube of five - dimensional space , allowing him to move forward and backward in time , but pinning ... She was the mother of Gargantua, in the satirical romance of Gargantua and Pantagruel’, by Rabelais. What changed is software allows a sharing of continuing economics not previously possible: when a customer buys a lawnmower to run a landscaping business, he does not owe the manufacturer a continuing royalty on his labor. For example, does AWS’s as a firm encompass the software created with its cloud services? Mann. She had the frozen embryos with her, ready to start repopulating our species on the planet, which we learn in the dying shots of the movie has breathable air. So Cooper travels in relative safety towards the singularity of the hole.At the center of the black hole, is the tesseract- an area of four dimensions.Now, as this dimension materializes, Cooper realizes that the tesseract is in fact a manifestation of Murph's bedroom- that is, the other side of the room, in the "wrong" dimension. Found inside263), and so, docked next to Murph's bookcase Cooper is able to harness the necessary gravitational forces to attempt to signal her via her (symbolically rich) books, and then through the watch he gave her before leaving. The tesseract ... It was through books that he was able to transcend his surroundings.-- “Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln”, Doris Kearns Goodwin (2005). By definition high incremental returns simply describe profits which scale based on something other than additional capital. Every information platform is a curation / discovery service which re-arranges and monetizes the information of the internet around us. On the internet, the number of network hops between a search query and a transaction is a measure of physical distance, similar to how flight connections from Wuhan map the spread of Covid-19 around the world. Found insideCooper looks around the tesseract. The watch sits there on the shelf for as long as he can see ... COOPER The watch. That's it. She'll come back for it – TARS How do you know? COOPER Because I gave it to her. We use the second hand. All of this revolves around why Murph feels compelled to send him back. For the Chinese internet, the dominant platforms were largely founded during the dawn of the PC internet 1997 - 2000 (Alibaba, Tencent, Netease, JD, Ctrip, Sina) and the smartphone era 2010 - 2013 (Meituan, ByteDance, iQiYi, Momo, Weibo). Ben Kendrick writes of the near-end of Interstellar: When Cooper sacrifices himself to ensure Plan B, he is caught in the black hole's gravitational pull but, instead of dying, ejects from his ship — landing, as previously mentioned, inside The Tesseract (aka the wormhole's gravitational singularity). The tesseract is specifically catered to display Murph's bedroom, so Cooper can see any moment of Murph's life in her bedroom. If the determinant of competitive advantage revolves around information, then the investment solution exists as the dichotomy of hyper-local and hyper-scale. HaWkGiRl. Motteux, who makes “Pantagruel” to be Anthony de Bourbon, and “Gargantua” to be Henri d’Albret, says “Gargamelle” is designed for Catherine de Foix, Queen of Navarre. For a store in the urban core, in proximity to banks, bakeries, subways, and offices, minutes of time might increase ten-fold and monetization per minute, due to higher customer basket sizes, convenience and spending power, might double. The Tesseract. Cooper then travels to the far reaches of the galaxy and enters the black hole Gargantua, where he finds himself in a "tesseract," which is essentially the back side of his daughter's bookcase, but it's also the back side of every single moment in time that his daughter's bookcase has ever existed. Cooper also sacrifices himself to reduce weight on the Endurance, ensuring that Amelia can make it to Edmonds' planet and enact Plan B should TARS fail. Like department stores a century ago, not every business has to be located on main street and not every digital experience needs to begin from the (curation) lobby of the Tesseract. These curators of the Tesseract capture the economics of information spaces created by others in ways not possible in the physical world: news content created by others is “wrapped” in Facebook’s newsfeed (closed-protocol) allow the capture of economics akin to a tax on your time for reading the newspaper. In chapter one, after Pantagruel subdues the land of Dipsody, the Dipsodians become loyal and faithful subjects, and he assigns Panurge the castellany of Salmagundi in chapter two; however, when Panurge spends his income for the next three…. Found inside – Page 131Chapter 9: THE TESSERACT EFFECT In the midnineteenth century, the Boulevard du Temple in Paris was a lively, ... so long that anything in motion—horsedrawn carriages, shopkeepers, bustling crowds—simply disappeared.12 Double Negative ... See also Gargantua and Pantagruel. That's 'Cooper Station'. In the extreme short-end of opportunity, supposedly Renaissance Technologies Medallion Fund is essentially market-making in thousands of weak price signals around the world. We enter the Tesseract from our living rooms, offices, and bedrooms, through one of the many competing hardware endpoints: desktop computers (Windows), mobile phones (iOS or Android), voice assistants (Alexa, Google Assistant), or perhaps eventually, augmented or virtual reality. Each customer visits the store for 10 minutes, or a 1,000 minutes per day of engagement. The failure of Value Investing and its focus on low market capitalization relative to capital invested or historical earnings power may in fact merely reflect how proximity in the economy is changing. Our tour of the Tesseract begins in its lobby. Where our economy is digitized, the proximity and fragmentation of physical geography have disappeared. In cities this was achieved by stacking advertisements vertically, in an information space this occurs by plastering advertisements across time through cookies in your browser which follow and re-target you. A store in shopping mall might define its proximity as conveniently located near an anchor tenant, Class-A office space, and within walking distance to the subway. A cosmic, decades-spanning narrative traversing millions of lightyears is a . The economics of this corporate entity not only encompasses the economic value-add of its employees, but the labors of the wider eco-system, and goes some way to arguing that our historical assumptions about the scaling limits of the firm may be wrong. Valuable data + computation = short-term prediction. There are roughly 1.3 billion desktop users, 3.2 billion smartphone users, and 4.4 billion unique internet users in the world. Date toggles narrow results while providing us alternatives to book directly with the hotels (payments) or link us to recent reviews. Murph— Murph was 10 years old when Cooper left. Today arbitragers located in the Philippines already do this on Amazon: focused on exploiting weak price differentials in one-day sales at Target, they arbitrage these “fungible commodities” through drop shipments and repackaging depots, picking off the poor Target store manager who chose San Bernardino for a blue-light sales special. After getting zapped through the wormhole, Cooper is able to see and interact with multiple times at once: He finds himself inside a tesseract, a fifth-dimensional space, looking out into the . The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an American media franchise and shared universe centered on superhero films and television series starring various titular superheroes independently produced by Marvel Studios and based on characters that appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The shared universe, much like the original Marvel Universe in comic books, was established by . A Harvard physicist has shown that wormholes can exist: tunnels in curved space-time, connecting two distant places, through which travel is possible. Why did Cooper not die in the black hole? According to Einstein, you must describe your location not only in three-dimensional space* (length, width, and height), but also in time, which is the fourth dimension. Every city and every organism has a scaling limit that is inherent to its structure: these emerge from inescapable trade-offs between specialization and the costs of complexity. Mean regression in ROIC then is the product of an optimization problem and a frictional limit. Those insights are also often easily available to the next investor who stumbles across it, and the information insights are now cumulative not independent. Considering the high valuation multiples of these companies seems to suggest their growth trajectories will continue unabated. 6. They are minority shareholders with no economic rights, bound by information and data they share without recompense. A Causal Loop. But it's not quite the insane far-fetched fantasy that some have made it out to be. The tesseract only had murph's bedroom, but they have shown murph decode morse code sitting at Nasa, so it cannot be possible that cooper was doing that all the time, it can be possible only if its stored inside the watch. $\begingroup$ 2. Amazon may not be a corporation as we’ve traditionally defined it, it merely exists within the corporate legal shell which we’ve inherited from history.

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