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From the above: "tough," "doable," "challenging", "fair" - yes to all. Which is strange because COT only caused a short pause and catapult fell fairly quickly. simple, unfortunately.
Wrestled with the clue for COUNTED IN which baffled me for much too long. Found inside Page 10The Daily Telegraph crossword which we have extensively quarried already contains the clue ' La Paz ( anag . ) less conspicuous cue in the word ' made ' : ' The train seats are made fireproof ( 4-9 ) ' - answer ' heat - resistant ' . at that age, and date, my city had four public HS: Trade, Commerce, Technical, and Classical. Hola!As some of you know, baseball is a total unknown for me so even though I finished the puzzle, I felt no elation.I share the same unknowns as Big Easy. Now they just say "vee-jay-jay".Thanks to Gary for the fun, even though a couple of the clues/fills seemed a little on the far side. @Z Thanks for getting me to look at yesterday's (later) comments. No luck there either. I count Ono every time she appears although I find it very doubtful that the overused 3-letter answer ever causes anyone any consternation. And I learned that Bruckner and Milhaud share a birthday.
Once more, here we are.I picture him returning again and again to his puzzles-in-progress, thinking, How can I make this better?Look at these sweet answers: OVER UNDER, PARSIMONY, TENTPOLING, LISTLESS, ON A LARK, GAMINS, HACIENDA, EATS ALIVE, SAME TO YOU, and ON NARCISSISM. You know you should just look away but morbid curiosity wins the day. Mahershala of "Moonlight": ALI. My typical Saturday is around 15 minutes. GAwP < GASP & OkS < OHS. finally found the "estate" meaning. I kept trying to elongate DONTASK into eight spaces. Senf says: Followed categories will be added to My News. Guess I havent seen enough cooking shows . : TOILETS. Agnes(Irish Miss)TTP, an old friend I played LL and Babe Ruth Ball with, Skip Lockwood*, was on the Seattle Pilot team that Bouton exposed. (wikipedia). My solving group had a lot of trouble with 29-across. We didn't care - we were COOL (but we didn't smoke Kools). What's with the I?
128. Exactly what a Saturday should be. @BunnyR & @TonySaratoga college terms (or any school term i suppose) end with taking FINALS. It is the test of a solid thought that it will bear a change of clothing. But in film and television its also used to refer to things within the work itself. Spiritualist Deepak: CHOPRA. Good aha. Considered a participant? Reluctantly gave in to TENT POLING which I had never heard before as an action in reference to either TV or camping. At many institutions, the instructors have much bigger fish to fry, like trying to conduct research that has some impact or impresses the right people for career advancement, and the teaching of undergraduates is regarded as a lesser activity. this was in rhode island and to the best of my knowledge my teachers were white, tho. But some interactions can make it all seem worthwhile.) 45. Maybe they are all hip-hop subgenres I DONT ASK.Liked MONOPOLIST crossing ON NARCISSISM. He won an Oscar for his role in "Moonlight". Tennessee Titans (NFL). Also, my IMP became an ELF and my GULP became a GASP. Found inside Page 61between experiential evidence and reasons, as between clues and crossword entries: most importantly, the question of Both in the law and in everyday life, there is a usage in which evidence means physical evidence, and refers to 114. Thanx, Gary and C.C. Packed with clear explanations, helpful hints and practice grids, this book explains how to approach cryptic crosswords in a clear and logical manner. Inside. 86. Thx Byron for this very crunchy Sat.
Dang, Byron.Ive learned over the years that patience and faith will usually take me through, as it did today, but there is always glorious grit to triumphantly conquer.Byron, you bring class and quality to crosswords. Turkish bigwigs: AGHAS. OK, in fact the whole NE corner flummoxed me. Good morning !No problems, and I managed to correct a few typos along the way. Sure you do: CATAPULT!
The class of functions for that particular stomping ground (besides ad hoc functions used to illustrate various limit concepts) is the class of algebraic functions. 110. My Parsimony, which I threw right in, keeps me from knowing any gambling terms. When we were kids I was much GAWKIER than my brother and sisters. Reason to cram: TEST. (Not all of them. I thought at the time it was too easy for a Walden Saturday, but BALLISTA just didn't come to me. @Anonymous 7:10 PM Could reside in a difference in styles and emphases between teachers of the respective courses. TENT POLING, ABADAN, GAMINS, CHOI??? He was a good boy.Referring to the UN as a country club is genius.LISTLESS is a weird word. and so forth.
And that clue for YOUNG at 18A was tough.I loved this puzzle - thanks Byron! 16 Wild Edible Mushrooms You Can Forage This Autumn. Polite argument on behalf of the accused? @Z: "The Yoko Ono of volcanoes" made me LOL!A friend came to visit while we were staying in south Florida. I thought that each theme pair would be opposites, or at least nearly so. 51. Trap music uses synthesized drums and is characterized by complex. 126. Not even rare? MTETNA then gave me the MB of MEMBERSHIP and the U inferred from QUIT gave me UN the puzzle's concensus aha. The only trouble is that I thought is was part of "Fugue for Tinhorns" from "Guys and Dolls" but instead it's part of "It's a Simple System" from "Bells Are Ringing". Use for preservation, as wine barrels: STORE IN. A WOE becomes a WTF when it's @Rex's Word of the Day and you've not only never heard of the word but never heard of any of the "clarifying" references in the Wikipedia article.ABADAN aside, it was on the easy side of medium for a Saturday. I'm shocked - shocked I tell you - at how much I did get with just a tiny bit of help from a map (or two).
SAMETOYOU. Beautiful day here. (You are as old as me if you understand that reference.) Large tents moved around by trucks could have cots. Found inside Page 130 model way 49 Garfield's assassin 87 Rafting area 22 Fashion's Bartley 12 Heated 50 Memo starter 88 Big pickle? 35 Until now 69 Elbows clue at 1 3-Down 56 Audibly 36 Straps in a sleigh 70 It's a wrap 109 Poor grade 57 Expiate, And thanks for the lesson on trap music, Rex. The times where a lower percentage gets the same wheelhouse/outhouse effect are few. Discolor by burning: SCORCH. Epic fail. 4. FINALLY had a Sunday if undivided attention to the LAT puzzle. Found inside Page 418 CROUND, HEAT, LONC, LONCiTUDiNAL, MEDiUM, NEW, PERMANENT, RADiO, sEisMiC, sHoCK, sHORT, sKY, soUND, sTANDiNC, sTATiONARY, TiDAL WAX - CHiNEsE, COBBLER's, EARTH, JAPAN, MiNERAL, MONTAN, PARAFFiN, sEALiNC, VECETABLE WAY - APPiAN, SNORT! Eye, to a poet: ORB. It just didn't exist until today.Despite these snags, I managed to get this baby done, garnering huge triumph points.
Get well, Irish Miss. 62. It was easy for me but if you are not Brazilian very obscure. There are not many constructors out there these days so I would hope you respond eGADS. @Frantic Sloth Hand up for being moderately acquainted with 90-Day Fiancee (hmm, it's two e's in the title? So much out of my wheelhouse - OVERUNDER TENTPOLING CHOI TWIHARDS MEYER BALLISTA GAMINS TRAP TLC. Perhaps an unexplained spelling variant of Middle English lysten "to please, desire, wish, like" with a sense development from the notion of "leaning" toward what one desires (compare incline (v.))Sorry, this Walden/Shortz effort gave me no liste. I'm a constructor. 123. Found insideBy the way, thanks for the warning. I am so looking forward to being turned into a uh, crossword clue we talked about. She thought about the mysterious crown clue and felt more frustrated than ever. She'd had no headway at all 23A. One of the toughest NYT Sat. Amazing what you can find in those old Life magazines. have to give props to this here comment section for teaching me BE-IN recently - that one stuck in the brain, thank glob. Was BALLISTA a weapon? Many learning moments in puzzles. He burned incense and chanted every night. I agree with the A- on #1Interesting that bobbi*s PAN was virtually identical to TTP etal*s PraiseRunning around today, then I fell asleep. 25A. Erase!
It was left out because of the I in the answer. Found insideIt says here, she told her cousin, that one should rest with the window open and use the heating system as A slippery character like that probably has a way of finding out everything he wants to know about people he's trailing. But when I started smoking as a pre-teen, my fellow habituates and I knew that they were bad for us. Very clever. @LMS Oh, hell no! (hi @jae)Bedtime now (Fri. eve), so looking forward to tackling the rest today.___yd 0Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all , This was a great puzzle (lots of challenges, but fair). A sports fan should have no trouble with this theme, and it helps with the perps, opposite of the perps helping to suss the theme. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. 64. I think my toehold was TET, and then crickets for like forever. It was added to create an everyday quintet in 1990: UMAMI. @TonySaratoga - FINAL examS at the end of a term, not the last letter in term.@Conrad - - I wrote that and immediately decided that Mauna Loa is the Brian Eno of volcanoes. Thinks: IDEATES. I hope the government mandates have helped some folks quit or avoid taking up the idiotic practice to begin with. Opposite on about everything else. 101. The clue worked.
Thanks. 60. Careless me didn't proof-read and had ABLE for ABLY and had to eat humble EET. I would add that the biggest downfall for most calculus students is an insecure grasp of ALGebra. To sum up (heh), I think ALG is a perfectly legit answer. Understanding: KEN. Theme: "Sporting Chance" - Each theme entry consists of two sports team in singular form. Followed by the "shouldn't it be AS a cigarette should" and "would you rather have good grammar, or good taste" series. As it happened, the first place I got some traction was in the SE, and my first realization of how the themers would operate involved the pair at 111A. like at a circus the central TENT POLe holds up the body of the tent so that the circumferential ones don't fall down. Going places? Copyright 2020, Crosswordeg.Com, All Rights Reserved. Now off to explore some Atlanta parks. A few other corrections, but on the whole a smooth fill. The wise guys on our blog are not on Facebook. Let me know. NATICKA. There were a few stumpers of course, ABADAN, TENTPOLING, CHOI, and BALLISTA for me, but the crosses were fair and gave me what I needed to complete the solve. That was the only thing I wasn't rock solid on. What does studying have to do with getting down?
-- I meant goodbye, this time! 100% well done and 109% fun and 100% Saturday-perfection!! Taft? @Andy Constructor, what you should do is to visit the Facebook group Crossword Puzzle Collaboration Directory. Show with constant cliff-hangers: SOAP. I have lots of puzzles with great themes ready for publication, but probably need to be screened by someone with the expertise that you hold. -- Job, as quoted in Moby Dick (Epilogue), Match the city to the UN member state in which it is located.1.
I particularly liked PARSIMONY and UNMEMBERSHIP.
I'd heard of Empedocles, but had no idea about the terminus of his life; and even though my current bathroom reading is a review of a couple books about the history of Sicily, it just didn't spring to mind as a place for ancient Greeks, so I needed the MT___A to see ETNA. Its really quite amazing. It's a good thing the sports things were there to help out (CENTERS, OVERUNDER).And what, pray tell is "RANGELAND?" into this very engaging challenge with another 1/3 to complete. Also the horse who won the 2013 Kentucky Derby.
WSJ. At least I did. I understand that originally Walden intended VOLVO to be the car in 27A. Houston Rockets (NBA). Byron Walden is a master.Yesterday's was a DNF for me, but I solved this one clean.Historic day at the US Open. Same Aha! (Big potato?). i said in my comment there weren't any fun (in the wordplay sense) reveals today but you're right - the UN as a "country club" definitely was one! 31.
)During routine maintenance a large nut was accidentally dropped whichFell 80 to 100 feet down the silo, bounced, and punctured the 1st stage fuel tank.Not only was the fuel toxic, it had to be in the 1st stage to support the weight ofThe second stage and warhead. @Z:you just triggered.
Mentally assimilate: DIGEST. @chance2travel Well, teaching the subject is part of my job. Found insideBill can't remember if he brushed his teeth or ate breakfast, but he is a crossword whiz. It wasn't always this way. His heated protests that I It happened one afternoon as he pushed the mouse around and clicked on a word clue. OVERUNDER. HIALEAH!That's how I knew HIALEAH. One of the Vietnamese waitress gals hollered out a grossed-out-soundin "Choi oi!" . I think he's oversimplifying. 16. Dear This would have been a pretty neat feat, but my next solved pair, HOGWASH and HOGWARTSHOUSE disabused me of this notion. Dark area on the moon: MARE.
Did I miss something? and don't get me started on writing proofs!! UMAMI, for example, adding to the bitter, sweet, salty and sour tastes. Why? the notion of education, at least there, was a Serious Subject.
actually typed out the word with the blanks in my phone's notepad so i could see what i was looking at a little better. I was lucky enough to know Superman's dog, as he had his own comic there for a bit in the '00s and I used to buy it for my daughter. *Nickname for Joe DiMaggio: YANKEE CLIPPER. That's your final (and perhaps only) lesson for the day. Is this just Saturday being Saturday? Roosevelt? @albatross shell for the long time i spent on this puzzle, COT was one of the few i was able to get without too much trouble. but it's like an open book test. Im American so I wont apologize for being argumentative. Gary, again: don't quit your day job!! . had GOING before YOUNG which left me guessing JOIN IN ON for "considered a participant." 120. These puzzles would be great for everyone. In short, yes, measuring how diverse the PPP is and how dense it is would be better than how I do it, but thats more data collection and encoding than Im willing to do. 7. This was about as pleasant as having FORTY TONGAS HAILING on my head. @LMS - Now Im wondering why a listing ship has a haunted LISTLESS look to it. Oklahoma is so, so low in person capita expenditure as well as every other quality educational metric, and a majority of voters have no problem with it.
Miami Heat Trivia Crossword Word Search Activity Puzzle 103. And as you so aptly indicated, " sports team in singular form." 6-way manually adjustable driver's seat; 4-way manually adjustable front passenger's seat; Rearview camera with dynamic guidelines; Bluetooth controls; Prize valued at approximately $28,000 (CDN), or in lieu of this prize, winner can instead choose a cash prize payout of $28,000 (CDN). 13. But because it suggested military which suggests cots. As with Gary's today, it also had sports teams found in common phrases. Only knew HIALEAH from old racetrack references. Finally figured out that each themer ended with a team name, even if I didn't recognize some of 'em.
But 9/28/02 = 1 hour, 6 minutes. Ive spent way more time with Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics than I would have thought possible when I was in admin school and the fact they were so controversial says too much about politicians and American anti-intellectualism.Dealing with math did make one of the central observations of my Organization Theory class easy to grok: Systems are perfectly designed for the outcomes they get AND the community likes it that way (likes isnt quite the right word, but there are embedded interests that will seek to minimize any change to maintain the status quo because they are advantaged within the status quo is so wordy). We saw lots of big potatoes there. didn't know BALLISTA but the B was guessable on the ballistics LOGIC. This clue was last seen on Daily Celebrity Crossword October 17 2021 In case the clue doesnt fit or theres something wrong please contact us! I think he skimmed a few comments to see how mad people were about the sub being late.
anyhow, whenever i had trouble understanding something, he would explain it to me. A modern classic that no child should miss. Since it was first published in 1939, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel has delighted generations of children. More later. Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 29802 (Hints) The Saturday Crossword Club Hosted by Tilsit + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Greetings from Warrington! Middles: WAISTS. ]came quickly-ers: COMEQUICK. . CREE fit.Glad to hear that IM is improving. Trebuchet was not a fit and the crosses gave me nothing. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. Introduces the world of Roshar through the experiences of a war-weary royal compelled by visions, a highborn youth condemned to military slavery, and a woman who is desperate to save her impoverished house.
Car model names and athletes? 114. A musician usually has a good one: EAR. Took 55 mins but eventually got it right. COT and ALO bothered me. 95. Then -- and this one is entirely my fault -- I thought ACCRA was an inland city. He said No. All of us saw the ball in, and she started to get upset.
I have read about the Gnostic Bible and its followers, who were considered heretics by the main line christians. I was imagining an -ing ending instead of YOUNG, based on the syntax of the clue. A BE-IN. The word SHAMPOO is just so delicious. NCIS fans know Hetty Lange (portrayed by Linda Hunt). Two NFL teams. And suddenly this puzzle that was EATing me ALIVE was finishable. From geographical landmarks in Italy to the more obscure questions on Icelandic waterfalls, here are ten of the best famous landmarks quiz questions and answers about Europe: 1. The genre gets its name from the. GADS.Early on I thought I might get a break with catapult but "No."
), @Anonymous 5:35 PM We agree. Ola-ALO was confusing, but perhaps just correct. 33. 's challenge crossword clue, Where citizens can voice their opinions: 2 wds. 125. They aren't words I use either. Poke fun at: GIBE. And there was an "aha" close to the end when I cracked the method and used it to solve. I too thought of 'trebuchet' but when that proved too long I went with cAtapult. 37. How so? Like YooperPhil I didn't stop the clock after I had filled all the letters and had to search to find my OKS had to be OHS. Minnesota Vikings. I have no idea, @CDilly52 this brought a few tears - may we all enjoy the time we have with loved ones while we have it.
took modes of teaching seriously. Whereas if the PPP is tucked in a corner, is not overly long, and doesn't really interfere with the rest of the grid, then the impact is much less. Anon 4:16,Correct. started this blog on January 21, 2008. I usually agree with your comments on unusual words. thank you. what is today labelled a Blue State.and, just by the way: all of these efforts were driven by Admin, not The Horrid Teachers' Union. I suspect what is usually lacking in math instruction is passion. *ICBM booster until 1987: TITAN ROCKET. If you have a theme based on movies anyone not that interested in movies is excluded. COME QUICK and bring the defibrillator! 22.
Page I A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH SYNONYMES AND SYNONYMOUS OR PARALLEL EXPRESSIONS DESIGNED AS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO APTNESS AND VARIETY OF PHRASEOLOGY BY RICHARD SOULE The exertion of clothing a thought in a completely new set of words increases both clearness of thought and mastery over words. Without ice: NEAT. Columnus by 2008. You'll need a driver. Old, you say? 54. It looks like that title's going to be ON NARCISSISM, yes? I'm 0 for 3 with my NYT submissions. This book will change the way you think about cooking and eating, and help you find your bearings in any kitchen, with any ingredients, while cooking any meal. -- Self-reproach: REGRET. While this constructor always makes quality puzzles, I've never really found them to be challenging so medium was pretty good and as always his material was entertaining. Character from "Tangled" who says the line "And the thing is, I'm not scared anymore" crossword clue, "The loneliest number," according to a song crossword clue, Sing "doo-bah doo-bop," perhaps crossword clue, Title character of an '80s sitcom crossword clue, About 40 gallons of it usually makes a gallon of syrup crossword clue, "From ___ to plate" (food served hot) crossword clue, "What are the ___?" As a Brazilian American I can tell you we dont say ola or hola. The Curious History of the Crossword: 100 Puzzles from Then Seems it derives from Middle English liste meaning desire, delight. The only thing that kept me going through this joyless mess was the certainty that Rex would shred it to pieces. is doing better. @JC66 (bzzz) Wrong. i'm sure the look on my face was worth however it tasted going down XD. So different from the GAWK meaning. I mean, come on.
I learned that this weapon could also be used for launching stone projectiles so there you go. Knowledge of spiritual matters: GNOSIS. Was the puzzle better or worse for these three? OVERUNDER was the first entry. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Found inside Page 338All the output air from the heater can be directed in this way if required. Figure 7.359 Demister outlets Air-cooled systems have the air stream passing directly over the engine cylinders and cylinder heads to remove the heat at the Otto ~~ thanks for making sense of the clue, still not sure if Id know umami if I tasted it, foods can be too salty, too bitter, too sweet and too sour, but too umami?? The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the pine product crossword clue. Reply. There is a real subject here with great beauty and intellectual depth, and in fact this subject permeates my life. Got a high-dose flu shot in the other arm Friday.DNF, surrendering to "Yesterday" and looking up SHEERAN. And glad to hear you are improving, Irish Miss. This first volume of our new series collects all your favorite start-of-the week puzzles in one huge omnibus. Synonyms for direct include frank, straightforward, candid, honest, open, straight, blunt, forthright, plain and outspoken. I guess itd be spelled oy anyway.The biggest mistake was thinking that NARCISSIST had an SC in it somewhere. The only thing that heats my toilet seat is ME. The cluing was great (loved "access to a country club") and the fill was solid. Free Blogger Templates Wasn't surprised to find out this AM that OSU won, but I was hoping LA would force a game 7. Found insideThe way he braced his palms on the bar accentuated the muscles in his arms and the strong line of his back. Hello! I snatched up the paper, used it to fan my flushed face, and then smoothed it out and focused on the clues again. )And I just cant help but mention that I thought HOOHA was a polite term for lady parts. And as for TENTPOLING: for 21 D I had -NN-R and was thinking "inner something" -- hard to see ONN-R until the parsing ON Nsomething and then at length I could guess ON NARCISSISM. Here's Fox. At least you got a positive response. It was all the rage maybe 8-10 years ago.Its still used by some in the industry, but it marks the user as a not-quite-in-the-inner circle guy. Today's challenger, including a couple brief diversions, was 22 minutes. All intellectual property rights in and to Crosswords are owned by The Crossword's Publisher. td 0, My favorite posts this morning.Lewis (7:02). Telescope part: LENS. Maybe Im too zen. Consensus was that it could mean a variety of things, dependin on the tone of the speaker's delivery. Except for HEAT, I'd need an S on the end to have recognized any of the themers. crossword clue, Wrongdoing that might be confessed to a priest crossword clue, It's worn inside out and backward crossword clue, 2020 Taylor Swift song that debuted at #1, but fell 37 spots the following week crossword clue, Mattress often placed directly on the floor crossword clue, Swift to climb the Billboard chart? *Kipling's Shere Khan is one: BENGAL TIGER. Funny, but again "No. 28. I cracked the basic challenge about half-way through. Found inside Page 85SUMMER. CLUE LIST: BASEBALL BBQ BEACH CAMPING FLOWERS ACROSS: 3) In the summer I wear. 5) The best way to cook a hamburger is on a THE OLD WEST CLUE LIST: BADGE BLACKSMITH BOOTS BRONCO COWBOY 85. HEAT POOL HOLIDAYS SANDALS OUTDOORS Found inside Page 167i wouldn't worry about that for too much longer. with the mood Perfect is probably in, he should be starting rolling heat outages any day now as blackmail for your vote. Oh, by the way, here's the five i owe you for the bet. save it. ABADAN2. @CDilly52, IMO, some of the joy of doing crosswords is in how we can tangentially reference them to our real lives (hi @r.alph!) But ola is Portuguese for hola. 78.
i didn't have trouble paying attention or hearing what she said, i had trouble understanding the CONTENT of lesson, the actual math. Sanjun Meg had no idea what was going on, but that didn't stop her from immediately chugging down a can of that sweet Dr. that's no fun. I have a DVD of Mike Wallace and Salvador Dali during an interview on "60 Minutes." LABARON was a gimmie. 15.
I'm somewhat divided on teaching first-year calculus students epsilon-delta proofs. It's quite hectic at work at the moment with people starting to enjoy COT seems to also rely on a rather expansive definition of bivouac. Found inside Page 52Abida and Ramesh were doing an experiment in which water was to be heated in a beaker. Abida kept the beaker near the If a person's clothes catch fire, the best way to Q.13. F. Complete the crossword with the help of the clues
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