nxp tape and reel specification
To purchase full reel, order in multiples of 3000. MKW24D512VHA5(R) -40 to 105°C 8x8 LGA (R: tape and reel) 64 KB SRAM, 512 KB . /Outlines 5 0 R n�%(,�X�?�82��ѷd�y���HrEc]��$]��Ύc���wWn�EqڋZ\K�X9���蟋cC�%���S�_Io"8����0I�1���Ǵ�/l̜�-����h� �%* endobj /TableNote /P %PDF-1.5
/Resources 39 0 R All MouseReel orders are non-cancellable and non-returnable. /headerright /P << /Para_Ind_Bul1#2FNum /P 3.5 Peelback strength Cover tape peelback strength is 0.2N to0.7N. >> 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 25 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R]
stream /RoleMap << All MouseReel orders are non-cancellable and non-returnable. This device contains the following features: 512 KB + 80 KB (592 KB) on-chip ECC SRAM (MPC5668G), 32-bit CPU core complex (e200z650), 128 KB on-chip ECC SRAM (MPC5668E), Media Local Bus (MLB), Interrupt controller (INTC), Frequency-modulated phase-locked loop (FMPLL) , Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). /Rect [340.56 289.5 444.96 299.52] Product orientation 3. Tape and Reel: Reverse Recovery Time: 5 ns: Termination: SMD/SMT: Voltage: 30 V: Voltage Rating (DC) 30 V: Compliance; Lead Free: Lead Free: REACH SVHC: No SVHC: RoHS: Compliant: Parts with Similar Specs. /Rect [544.38 380.52 549.36 390.48] /SP307264 54 0 R endobj /Parent 3 0 R /tbl#3Atitle#3Actr#3Abld#3A8pt /P MRF8P29300HR6 by NXP RF FETs | Avnet .
Technical Specifications Product Description . Octopart is the world's source for TJA1021T/20/C,118 availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts. 1,000 Tape & Reel †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. Technical Specifications Product Description .
<< endobj Ultra-thin chips are the "smart skin" of a conventional silicon chip. This book shows how very thin and flexible chips can be fabricated and used in many new applications in microelectronics, Microsystems, biomedical and other fields.
Cut Tape. Does not include the reels. • Type number PMBTA42/DG added • Table 4 "Marking codes": enhanced • Section 12 "Legal information ": updated PMBTA42_4 20040122 Product specification - PMBTA42_3 PMBTA42_3 19990422 Product specification - PMBTA42_43_CNV_2 endobj
<< endstream << /Last 41 0 R Tape and Reel: Resolution: 1.375 B: Compliance; Lead Free: Lead Free: Radiation Hardening: No: RoHS: Compliant: Parts with Similar Specs. /Marked (True) >> /Type /Annot
Subject to modifications and amendments. NXP Intelligent Sensing Product Comparison Feature - Device MMA9550L MMA9551L MMA9553L MMA9555L MMA9559L Key elements Motion sensing Gesture sensing Pedometer 9 0 obj Full Reels. /Subtype /Link /Dest (G999496) /Type /Annot ( All specifications in the service manual can be found here….
Free, Perfect, and Now tells the dramatic story of that transformation from the inside. /List_Bul2 /P /Border [0 0 0]
/SC2591 47 0 R /Metadata 2 0 R
NXP JEITA complement PEMH17 SOT666 - PEMD17 PEMB17 PUMH17 SOT363 SC-88 PUMD17 PUMB17 . Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. >> endobj /Author ("Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.") The tape, reel, and tray configurations of the nRF24, nRF51, nRF52, nRF53, nRF8000, and nRF9160 series products meet the current industry standards described in EIA-481: 8 mm through 200 mm Embossed Carrier Taping and 8 mm through 200 mm Punched Carrier Taping of Surface Mount Components for @��JC�a̧L���=�_Xe�|��W��u�X�4BU9����� . /Type /Annot << endobj << /Parent 3 0 R >> /Kids [27 0 R 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R 31 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R 34 0 R 35 0 R 36 0 R endobj endobj
/CropBox [0 0 612 792] 2. Case/Package SOT-505-1. <<
18 0 obj /Length 1228 /SC2614 49 0 R /Type /Page application/pdf Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by . /Border [0 0 0] /Paranote /P endstream /Fig#2FTable#20anchor /P V�s��M��Z4]-P����k�������9��|٠O�b%r�"9߿P�t��_U��)Z=Vʉ�I�H�R0�V�J�S%�T�V]ղD�/U�����n���?�q�, e200z650, 592 KB ECC SRAM, MPC5668G, MPC5668E, Media Local Bus (MLB), Interrupt controller (INTC), Frequency-modulated phase-locked loop (FMPLL). >> >>
9 0 obj The tape is wound on to a reel, and supplied in a cardboard box (res embling a pizza box). Vintage Akai GX-230D Auto Reverse Stereo Tape Deck Open Reel-to-Reel-Needs work. endstream /Rect [340.56 341.52 397.56 351.48] This book also covers tools and techniques for library management. It is intended for anyone who wants to understand more about IBM tape products and their implementation. Ordering Information Device Tape and Reel Information Package MRF6V2010NR1 R1 Suffix = 500 Units, 24 mm Tape Width, 13--inch Reel TO--270--2
/List_Def /P >>
×. NXP Semiconductors RF Product Selector Guide RF Power Tape and Reel Specifications(continued) RF EMBOSSED TAPE AND REEL ORDERING INFORMATION (continued) Package Tape Width (mm) Pitch mm (inch) Reel Size Devices Per Reel and Minimum Order Quantity Device Suffix OM-780-4L2L 32 28.0 0.1 (1.10 .004) 330 (13) 250 R3 endobj Buy NXP MRF8P29300HR6 in Avnet Europe. /Rect [340.56 315.48 461.94 325.5] 2013 /TableBody /TBody /Parent 38 0 R << Order product as combination of a full reel and cut tape. /H1 /P /Subject (This device contains the following features: 512 KB + 80 KB \(592 KB\) on-chip ECC SRAM \(MPC5668G\), 32-bit CPU core complex \(e200z650\), 128 KB on-chip ECC SRAM \(MPC5668E\), Media Local Bus \(MLB\), Interrupt controller \(INTC\), Frequency-modulated phase-locked loop \(FMPLL\) , Analog to Digital Converter \(ADC\).) /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /Rect [544.38 289.5 549.36 299.52] << To purchase a full reel, order in multiples of 1000. /tbl#3Aanchor#3Anew#20page /P /Type /Annot In addition, the volumes contain over 2000 references, 900 figures, and 250 tables. Part I: Technology Drivers covers the driving force of microelectronics packaging - electrical, thermal, and reliability. A = Assembly Location Y = Year M = Month Code = Pb−Free Package BASE 1 COLLECTOR 2, 4 3 EMITTER SOT−223 PACKAGE NPN SILICON TRANSISTOR SURFACE MOUNT >> /Filter /FlateDecode Information for the other devices can be found in the MMA955xL collateral and datasheet. /tbl#3Asubtitle#3Abld#3A8pt /P << 4 0 obj /Mapping#20Table#20Title /P
/Para_Body /P /OpenAction [5 0 R /XYZ null null 0.8] /Dest (G1018915) /PXCViewerInfo (PDF-XChange Viewer;;Jul 8 2011;20:50:13;D:20121004180358-05'00') /Type /Pages The ordered quantity must match the manufacturer's full reel quantity. The entire carrier tape must release from the reel hub as the last portion of the tape unwinds from the reel without damage to the carrier tape and the remaining components in the cavities. <<
173,69 €. >> .
/Count 10 >> Hi, I am looking for the Tape and Reel specificatioin (with device orientation) for the SPC5605BK0VLL4. 27 0 obj /Copyright (Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2011) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2011 The P82B96DP-T comes in tape and reel format. /ModDate (D:20130529133406Z) >>
/Names 2 0 R Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
/tbl#3Atitle#3Abld#3A9pt /P %���� Product is cut from a full reel tape into customized quantities. /Inst_Head /P << For R5 Tape and Reel option. The Hardware Hacking Handbook takes you deep inside embedded devices to show how different kinds of attacks work, then guides you through each hack on real hardware. guidelines of NXP Semiconductors. /Type /Annot /Kids [68 0 R 69 0 R 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R 77 0 R] - Updated Section12 "Tape and Reel Specifications" - Modified "Recommended storage conditions after opening" - Added Section14 "Compliance with regulations on chemical substances" September 18, 2014 p.9 - Corrected conditions of relative humidity sensor accuracy December 12, 2014 p.17 p.19 p.22-24 B - Modified Common difference endobj View Substitutes & Alternatives along with datasheets, stock, pricing and search for other RF FETs products. 2.1 Tape & Reel † DIN IEC 60 286-3 The components are placed on a plastic tape (carrier tape) made of polystyrene or polycarbonate, with correspondingly shaped recesses in its surface, which is th en sealed with a cover tape (transparent foil). /List_Num /P To purchase full reel, order in multiples of 2500. /Dest (G1022635) The following is taken from the Hifiengine website: The core of Akais GX Head is made of crystal ferrite and is mounted and set in glass. "This book is fundamental. Images are for reference only See Product Specifications Enlarge Mouser #: 771-PCA9548ABS118 . /List_Num+ /P /Example /P • Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Image shown is a representation only. Maximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur. /SP307288 57 0 R Octopart is the world's source for PCF85162T/1,118 availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts. NXP Semiconductors Vehicle Electrification Solutions is a portfolio of products for vehicles to offer the same functionality as combustion engine cars of today. /Type /Annot
This book is a guide which treats many components used in mobile communications, and in particular focuses on non-volatile memories. NXP Semiconductors 5
/Type /Annot /Type /Annot Turn on suggestions. /Note_Bul /P This book equips you with everything you'll need to build your own Arduino project, but what you make is up to you! If you're ready to bring your ideas into the real world or are curious about the possibilities, this book is for you. Find the best pricing for NXP Semiconductors PCF85134HL/1,118 by comparing bulk discounts from 7 distributors. h�*��w �dS��_2�� EI��M�_�aqqy}%�7w >> 2013-05-29T13:34:06Z /Kids [38 0 R 43 0 R] . >> stream • Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate. /Normal#20+#2011#20pt /P Reel and Cut Tape. /Subtype /Link endobj /Rotate 0 $585.00 + shipping + shipping + shipping. /AppTitle /P endobj 12 0 obj /Border [0 0 0] /Creator (FrameMaker 7.2) 5 0 obj /list#3Abull#3A9pt /P << This Part. Reel and MouseReel™ (Add $7.00 reeling fee) Order product as a combination of a full reel and a MouseReel™. /HEAD#3AL1#3Actr#3A12pt /P NXP Semiconductors. Embossed Tape and Reel Ordering Information Package Tape Width mm Pitch mm (Dimension P1) (inch) Reel Size Devices Per Reel and Min Order Quantity Tape and Reel Suffix Fig No Page (mm) (in) No 6−Bump 9−Bump Axial Leaded See Axial Leaded package standards beginning on page 35 DFN/QFN ≤ 1.2x1.6x0.9 8 4.0 ± 0.1 (0.157 ± 0.004) 330 13 8000 .
/Kids [9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R] /Contents#20List /P PDF Nexperia /Heading5_App /P /tm_attribute /P
/Length 546 /Rect [340.56 263.52 445.44 273.48] 21 0 obj The information and specifications provided in this data sheet are specific to the MMA9555L. 15 0 obj This Part. >> << Functional Tests (In NXP Test Fixture, 50 ohm system) VDD =50Vdc,IDQ =30mA,Pout =10W,f=220MHz,CW Power Gain Gps 22.5 23.9 25.5 dB Drain Efficiency D 58 62 — % Input Return Loss IRL —--14 --9 dB Table 6. endobj /Para_Ind_Bul2#2FAlpha /P NXP USA Inc REACH211 Cert NXP USA Inc RoHS3 Cert: Featured Product: TL431 and TLVH431 Shunt Regulators: PCN Design/Specification: Datasheet Update 01/Aug/2015 Resin Hardener 02/Jul/2013: PCN Packaging: All Dev Label Update 15/Dec/2020 Lighter Reels 02/Jan/2014: HTML Datasheet: TL431 Family 3 0 obj >>
/Filter /FlateDecode /Heading3_App /P No USB. >> All MouseReel orders are non-cancellable and non-returnable. /SP307267 55 0 R
AN4613, Analog and Power Managemant Tape and Reel Specification - Application Note PDF Semiconductor Packing Methodology (Rev. C) /Length 634 /Dest (G1032850) forward voltage reduces conduction loss. >> NX5P2924UKZ NXP Semiconductors Power Switch ICs - Power Distribution Logic control high side power switch datasheet, inventory, & pricing. Embossed carrier tape PS Cover tape PET+PE Reel PS Air cap PE Unit box Cardboard Shipping box Cardboard 3.3 Leader specification No component pockets are320mm or more. 3. Reel and MouseReel™ (Add $7.00 reeling fee) . /ClassMap << /TBTitle /P In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail. 30 0 obj /Dest (G1032850) << ��k�p���e�_@���M6� *\z���5t!�U'���sE�?�[�e27��[�tt�y����8}Z��Y�5�7 PDF SOT313-2 LQFP48; Reel pack; SMD, 13' Q1/T1 Standard ... - NXP
NXP Semiconductors LIN Transceivers Voltage Regulator: LIN 2.1|SAE J2602: No: No: 20-40: 40-40~150: Tape and Reel: 8: HVSON EP: SON: No: Yes: NO: NO: TJA1021TK/20/C,118 LIN Transceiver with Integrated Vreg 20kBd Automotive 8-Pin HVSON EP T/R /tbl#3Anote#3Ahead#3A8pt /P Authorized Distributors . Product profile 1.1 General description The PMBD7000 consists of two high-speed switching diodes connected in series, fabricated in planar technology, and encapsulated in a small SOT23 (TO-236AB) MouseReel™ (Add $7.00 reeling fee) A product reel is cut according to customer-specified quantities. No reels or tape included. Full Reels. /Subtype /Link /Count 11 BAT54ALT1G Datasheet (PDF) 1 Page - ON Semiconductor.
The unit is playing fine. Order product as combination of a full reel and cut tape. /Border [0 0 0] /CellHeading /P /Parent 3 0 R PCA9548ABS,118 NXP Semiconductors Multiplexer Switch ICs 8CH I2C SWTCH W/REST datasheet, inventory, & pricing. Providing Streaming Media Data: United States Patent Acrobat Distiller 9.4.2 (Windows) << /Byline /P >> /Type /Annot 16 0 obj /Dest (G1032637) /Count 14 Cut Tape. /Pages 3 0 R Take your idea from concept to production with this unique guide Whether it's called physical computing, ubiquitous computing, or the Internet of Things, it's a hot topic in technology: how to channel your inner Steve Jobs and successfully ...
/Count 10 2 0 obj >> /Rotate 0 /Dests 8 0 R /TBItem_R /P Buy NXP MRF8P29300HR6 in Avnet Americas. /Subtype /Link This book presents a comprehensive overview of GaN power device technologies, for example, material growth, property analysis, device structure design, fabrication process, reliability, failure analysis, and packaging. /Subject (AN4613: The purpose of this application note is to define the standard configuration and documentation requirement for packing semiconductor product in embossed tape.) Standard product has no symbols. 16 0 obj << /Border [0 0 0] ). /PageLabels 6 0 R /Keywords (an4613, analog, mixed signal, embossed tape, tape and reel, power management) /Border [0 0 0] /Dest (G1032391) /Heading2 /H2 1 0 obj endobj In addition, the book explains how the filler interacts with the matrix to improve composite properties ... and details the theoretical development of both mechanical and thermal properties. >> 23 0 obj << /Count 10 /CodeC_Ind2 /P H�lTI��0��+�&Dq���7r�9���T��a�ܪHvȌj&n�^��y���1��xV�6$�{, AN4613, Analog and Power Managemant Tape and Reel Specification - Application Note. /Heading3 /H3 37 0 R 38 0 R] /Article_A /Art
/Count 10
View Substitutes & Alternatives along with datasheets, stock, pricing and search for other RF FETs products. Exact specifications should be obtained from the product data sheet. /Title (MPC5668x Microcontroller - Data Sheet) NXP Semiconductors IP4309CX9 HDMI octal channel low capacitive high-performance ESD protection 9. << endobj This book reports the state of the art of energy-efficient electrical motor driven system technologies, which can be used now and in the near future to achieve significant and cost-effective energy savings. endstream Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, . /head#3Alft#3Abld#3A12pt /P Fig 1. vintage Akai ADM-5 tape recorder microphones for M-5 reel-to-reel. Product orientation in carrier tape Fig 3. MouseReel™ (Add $7.00 reeling fee) A product reel is cut according to customer-specified quantities. . /Rect [544.38 315.48 549.36 325.5]
NXP USA Inc. Reference Type: Shunt: Operating Temperature-40°C ~ 125°C (TA) Tolerance: ±1%: Base Product Number: TL431: Package: Tape & Reel (TR) Cut Tape (CT) Digi-Reel® Current - Supply-Current - Output: 100 mA: Temperature Coefficient-Noise - 0.1Hz to 10Hz-Output Type: Adjustable: Series-Current - Cathode: 600 µA: Supplier Device . >> This book is about the industry, its technology, and its struggle to learn and compete in a global market bursting with new ideas to satisfy a voracious appetite for new and innovative electronic products.
/Producer (Acrobat Distiller 10.1.3 \(Windows\)) << H�tT�n�0}�W�c������� /Dests 10 0 R /Parent 3 0 R 10 0 obj /TableHead /THead /PageMode /UseOutlines >> /FieldName /P /Subtype /Link /Type /Annot Fast forward and rewind function. /PageMode /UseNone Reel pack for SMD Package version 12NC ending Reel dimensions d x w (mm) [1] SPQ/PQ (pcs) Reels per box Outer box dimensions l x w x h (mm) SOT23 215 180 x 8 3000 1 186 x 186 x 16 Cover tape Circular sprocket holes opposite the label side of reel Carrier tape msc074 QA Seal Tape Reel Barcode label Barcode label Printed plano box
<< Octopart is the world's source for PSSI2021SAY availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts. /FigTitle /P endobj Ultra-thin Chip Technology and Applications 7 0 obj 1. e200z650, 592 KB ECC SRAM, MPC5668G, MPC5668E, Media Local Bus (MLB), Interrupt controller (INTC), Frequency-modulated phase-locked loop (FMPLL) applications, circuit protection, and voltage clamping. << /Rect [544.38 406.5 549.36 416.52] /TBNote+ /P
This book is an intellectual history that uses Amílcar Cabral’s theory of the “return to the source,” to examine Sol Plaatje’s Mhudi, B.W. Vilakazi’s poetry, and A.C. Jordan’s The Wrath of the Ancestors within the broader ... /Marked true /K 59 0 R /Inst_Syntax /P /FigureFootnote+ /P • Type number PMBTA42/DG added • Table 4 "Marking codes": enhanced • Section 12 "Legal information ": updated PMBTA42_4 20040122 Product specification - PMBTA42_3 PMBTA42_3 19990422 Product specification - PMBTA42_43_CNV_2 Extremely low. /SP307255 52 0 R stream /NoteTitle /P /Type /Pages MouseReel™ (Add 5,00 € reeling fee) A product reel is cut according to customer-specified quantities. RR Tape and Reel Indicator • R2. /List_Bul3 /P /Producer (Acrobat Distiller 9.4.2 \(Windows\)) /Master_Agreement /P Reel, Cut Tape, MouseReel /Doc_Subtitle /P /ModDate (D:20121004180358-05'00') /Subtype /Link /Type /Metadata
12 0 obj /head#3Actr#3Abld#3A9pt /P >>
/tablebodycenter /P Teac Reel to Reel PARTS ONLY. /OpenAction [4 0 R /XYZ null null null] /Border [0 0 0] Built by Akai to Roberts specifications. /StructParents 1 /Parent 9 0 R >> This RF amplifier chip has a maximum operating temperature of 125 °C. 8 0 obj /Creator (FrameMaker 8.0) Tape and Reel Specifications ... 40 Applications and Product Literature ... 42 Selector Guide Product Index ... 43 2016 NXP B.V. 2 NXP Semiconductors RF Product Selector Guide All statements are without any engagement. endobj Tape and reel information 001aai051 B - B K A - A B0 T1 G T A0 K0 P2 P0 D0 W1 P W F E D1 θ A B B A 0.05 / 40 direction of feed position of PIN A1 Description Item Symbol Specification (mm . 6 0 obj endobj Find the best pricing for NXP Semiconductors PSSI2021SAY by comparing bulk discounts from 4 distributors.
Reel pack for SMD Package version 12NC ending Reel dimensions d x w (mm) [1] SPQ/PQ (pcs) Reels per box Outer box dimensions l x w x h (mm) SOT323 135 286 x 8 10000 1 293 x 293 x 18 Cover tape Circular sprocket holes opposite the label side of reel Carrier tape msc074 QA Seal Tape Reel Barcode label Barcode label Printed plano box
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