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So most of the owners of such strong and energetic dogs want to feel that sense in their name. Jaws. Bible Names for Male Dogs and Cats. Durden (as in Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt's character in Fight Club) Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger's character from Predator) Groot (as in the character from Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy franchise) Hooch (the dog from the 1989 Tom Hanks … 20 Male Pitbull Names. These names are suitable for a variety of Pit Bulls. Paladin – a … If you have children in the house, male Pitbulls are much better playmates than their female counterparts. Looking for a name for a Pitbull puppy? Rottweiler is stronger than pits, they have a big jaw and also locked, pits is strong also have a jaw lock but rottweiler is stronger than pit bull. Plss search on youtube, rottweiler vs pit bull tug of war, rottweiler looks like won. Although they are often human names too. Pitbull owners would agree that this is one of the most difficult tasks in naming a pet! Today we are going to look at a complete guide to Male Dog Names. Male Dog Names: Top 1000 Dog Name Ideas (UPDATED 2021 Adonis. Kayto ( from the Green Hornet). A military-grade road vehicle known for being big and tough. 350+ Pitbull Dog Names for Male and Female Dog [2021 Latest] Because bears are cute; Bella; Boe – Perfect for a little male Pitbull puppy who has stolen your heart; Bonbon; Bonnie Abihu - Could be shortened to Abi; This is a good name for a fatherly pet. Give it 4/5. ... Our complete list of over 250 Pitbull names will be sure to suit your pup whatever their gender or personality. Choosing names that sound cutesy or weak can lend a bit of humor to your guard dog’s name. Tough Pitbull names. Warning! Famous German Shepherd Names . Go for this name if you have an athletic pup. Drifter: A suitable choice for a pooch that has a tendency to roam. The best pitbull names should be as tough, loyal, and strong just like your dog. Before naming your Pitbull, take a deep look at the dog’s personality. Apollos - Great name for a tough breed such as a Pit Bull or Doberman. When coming up with this list of Pit Bull names, we soon came to realize that not all ideas would work well on this specific breed. ... Tough Dog Names for Male and Female Dogs. For more choices for boy pitbull names, select from the list below. Pit Bull Names Unique Ideas Chosen For Just This Breed. Dog Names; Dog Breeds; Store; Saved Dog Names; Tough Dog Names for Boy Dogs. A favorite among tough dog names – especially for big dogs. You will also notice that some tough and muscular names are often chosen for this breed. Hulk would be a fun Chihuahua badass name! Pitbull dog names are plentiful, but many of them depend directly on the personality of the dog. Another fun idea is to name your dog after a military base. A top name for renegades like American Bullies, Am Staffs, and Bull Terriers. Or view tough dog names for girls instead. First, you can search only for guard dog names that sound strong, serious and powerful. Some were famous for their real-life accomplishments, like Rin-Tin-Tin or Bullet (the first seeing eye dog) and others were famous for on-screen antics, like Bullet of the Roy Rogers show. / Male Rottweiler Names. In any case, these names are ideal for any strong dog in the world. Malik – Arabic name meaning ‘king.’. Knight – a basic English rank. Corleone. There are a couple of common approaches to naming a Pit Bull. Powerful, strong, muscular and taught dog names are all gathered in badass names for male dogs and I made a list of the best ones. It is probably because of the rare coloring that some of these canines. The best list of tough dog names for the fiery and brave puppies! Grunt – Pit from the movie Flashdance. While Hulk can be a funny name to give a small male dog that has a mad temperament despite its tiny size. What do you think? Regardless of the breed, a tough dog needs an appropriately tough name. These names can be considered both tough and manly, while also maintaining a bit of cuteness on the side. Here are more than 200 exotic Bully names to consider. Aspen. Pit bull is the common name for a type of dog descended from bulldogs and terriers. Formal breeds often considered to be of the pit bull type include the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The American Bulldog is also sometimes included.

Cora – from the Greek meaning ‘filled heart’, a lovely name for a dog who takes care of everyone Gertrude – the name of a goddess from Norse mythology, meaning ‘spear of strength’, shorten this name to Gertie for an adorable Pitbull Dog Names Male. Blue on December 16, 2017: I love this name with pits. If you are in the market for some masculine sounding Pitbull names, then this is the list for you. We love all things dog! No breed is perfect, but pictures, videos, and a description of each breed will help you decide if that dog is right for you!
The name feels macho and strong at the same time. Pitbulls’ names are often based on their rugged appearance, but it is important to find the dog’s sweet and gentle nature. From outlaws to law enforcers, film stars to legendary figures, give your hardy hound a name he or she deserves! ", followed by a myriad of suggestions by family and friends. Border Collies, German Shepherds, Shetland Sheepdogs, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, Australian Cattle Dogs, Papillons, Rottweilers, Labrador Retrievers, and Dobermans all appear to be highly intelligent. Check the names you like the best to save them to your list. But the female Pitbulls are much calmer and less clumsy, which is excellent if you intend to bring them to family outings. If you have a cat or other pets in the house, it would be smarter to get a male Pitbull. In the viewpoint of most researchers, they are the most intelligent when compared to other breeds. Then a badass name would be Bonney. Some of the strongest dog breeds include the Saint Bernard, Doberman, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Pitbull Terrier, and the Rottweiler. It means “from the Stormy River” or “Rough Waters.”. For example, if you are an owner of dog breeds like Pitbull, Bulldog, Rottweiler, Chihuahua, German Shepherd, and so on, you have a great chance of selecting a matching tough dog name for your puppy.. Good Pitbull names come in so many forms. Top of the heap. Having a unique male dog name for your pup is a dream for every dog owner. It does not even matter if the dog is male or female; if a dog is of a particular breed like a Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Doberman or German Shepherd people automatically assume it should have a tough name to reflect the particular stature of the breed. Bruiser. Power names – For the dog’s owner, their pet Bully is a superhero. Chunky: This male choice reflects the body type of this breed of canine. Similarly to female names, there are countless male names available. Tough Dog Names. These boy dog names will give you an idea of the names to name your male dog. Pug Names. These are ideal for a Pit Bull, American Bully, Rottweiler, Dogo Argentino, Shar Pei, or German Shepherd.. Give it 5/5. Male Pit Bull Names. We have compiled a list of names that are badass, tough, cool, funny, good, and unique. Dr Ox, a very cute name for male cows. Even if it’s a name your puppy needs to grow into, there are plenty of badass names for your girl dog or boy dog that could be just right for your new puppy. He was the “Good God.” Dagger: A dagger is a short knife that is designed to be a weapon. Check out our list below for ideas.

These are our favorite unique male dog names with meanings: Zeus – In Greek mythology, Zeus means “the sky” or “to shine”. Tough boy dog names can come from a huge range of inspired places. Strong Pitbull Dog Names _pitbullsworld_/ Instagram Hercules Rambo Iron Warlock Jagger Angus Rogue Bane Giant Arnie Carsei Tao Gator Jaguar Ryder Arlo Tiger Blade Jedi … Laird – Scottish rank above Esquire. Aesop.

Corbin: This male Rottweiler name means Raven and will fit any solid-black male. Learn More: Top 100+ Badass Dog Names. Atlas: In Greek mythology, it was said that Atlas held up the world on his … Drax. The person is a very confident dog owner who has lots of pride. Kong (King Kong might make a great name for a tiny dog). Therefore, a perfect name for dogs attending trials and Schutzhund competitions to show their abilities! TOP 100 Badass Dog Names For Male. Bully: The obvious choice for a male pit bull, it reflects on the second part of the breed name rather than any expected behavior. Another options is to do a complete 180 and consider ironic guard dog names. Some names are suitable for dangerous Pitbulls. This collection features some of the toughest Tough Dog Names available anywhere. While a cute girl name like “Bella” might be appropriate for a female Shih-Tzu or Maltese, men might prefer strong names for their male Pit Bull, Husky, or German Shepherd. Bruiser. Our favourite Male Big Dog Name is Kong! A smart name would suit these breeds very well. Show: All Male Female. Military Dog Names: Bases & Stations. There are a number of famous Germans—both canine and human—that might inspire the perfect name for your dog. Male Rottweiler Puppy Names Many of the usual dog names work well for Rottweilers, especially names that are stronger and sound more confident. Is a form of the Latin given name Hadrianus. Learn how to stop 34 of the most common dog and puppy behavioral issues using this powerful hands-off method.. Gerrik: It is a nice name for someone or a pet that is perceived as strong. If you have a Pitbull dog with a rough and tough appearance, this name is perfect for him. Pitbulls have a reputation for being tough. The American Bully dog breed is the result of a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Stafford Terrier. Give it 1/5. Below you will not only find 700+ badass working dog names but also inspirations for military, hunting, sled and cool dog names. pit bull lover on December 20, 2017: they are cool and very funny two bad i have grow dogs or i would use one of these names for sure =D. If you don’t willing to provide your dog a traditional male or female name then there are so many options you can choose from. Sorting through them all can be tough, so we did some of the leg work for you and picked out only the best. Bailey; Bear – Why? Corleone. Pitbull Dog Names with Meanings. Male Cowboy Dog Names. We’ve found many ideas for your adorable Pitbull. Due to the stocky and powerful figure, many Pit Bull owners seek an equally strong name. Originally a Phoenician god and was known in Greek mythology as a favorite of Aphrodite. Be it a male name or female name, and the dog is some way to gain an identity that makes them stand out as a pet. Select rating Give it 1/5 Give it 2/5 Give it 3/5 Give it 4/5 Give it 5/5. Pit Bulls are notorious for their protective nature and this can cause fear among house guests. Ares. Have a good choice! Big-Tuna Brasco Bugsy Bulger Capone Cartel Chino (prison) Gotti Guzman Ice-Pick Juarez Lansky Quentin (San Quentin prison) Rikers (prison) Scarface Sing-Sing (prison) Tick-Tock Traz (Alcatraz prison) Vito. Naming your new puppy can be both an enjoyable and stressful process. Here are some badass boy names that would sound great on any rough, tough male pup. And regardless of if your dog is a muscular Pit Bull or an itty-bitty Chihuahua, we bet they are going to have a strong impact on your life. We have collected awesome, adorable, and silly ideas for dog names. Do you have a tough male puppy whose appearance is intimidating? Drax. Colt: ( English) This boys name means “young horse” and if you’ve ever been around a colt in real life, you know that they are tough as nails and full of spunk. Finding Pitbull dog names can seem difficult, don’t stress. Both male and female pit bulls are usually friendly and good with children. However, males -- especially un-neutered males -- are more likely to be aggressive toward other dogs than their female counterpart. If male pit bulls are aggressive, it is usually only toward other dog breeds, and can normally be fixed by neutering. Ares – after the Greek god of war, the perfect name for a strong Pitbull! 35. Have you met new parents or parents - to - be? His name is Jose Cuervo.
Kova – Finnish word meaning ‘tough’ Indigo – a color between purple and blue; Tori – Japanese origin meaning ‘bird’ Willa – German origin meaning ‘protection’ Candy – sweetness; Cassie – Strong-willed; Farrah – happy; Zara – Arabic meaning ‘Radiance’ Ora – Latin for pray; Linda – means ‘beautiful’ in Spanish For ideas and inspiration, browse through the following list of the strong male dog names for Pitbulls below. 200 Badass Dog Names for your Tough Pup! - Updated 2021! Strong Male Dog Names. He will like to follow the rules but will have a hard time staying in one place. If that’s the case, these cute Pitbull names will be perfect. Badass Dog Names We have over 75 suggestions for you that will match the strong and imposing presence of your pet, guaranteed. Pitbull Names: 250+ Perfect & Popular Names We LOVE for ... 36. Name There are just certain breeds of dogs that seem to require that the dog have a tough name. 100+ Badass Tough Boy Names (includes origins and … Tough Male Dog Names. Tough Dog Names.

Let’s take a look at what these pitbull names mean and where they originate according to the site: Bogart – after the famous tough guy actor Humphrey Bogart. There are many good dog names to consider, but picking the best name that fits your dog’s personality, gender and breed can be tough. There are several types of dogs like Rottweiler, Labrador and so on who are powerful and stronger than dogs like Pomeranian. We hope that you find the best-suited name for your dog from our list. Ulysses – Latin in origin and a variant of Odysseus, the name means either clever, commanding, or wrathful. Large Dog Breeds. Stefan: The German word meaning crown, this dog needs the royal treatment. This collection features some of the toughest Tough Dog Names available anywhere. If you've got a badass puppy with lots of swagger and sass, one of these doggie attitude names might be the perfect choice. you'll probably want to start brainstorming some tough dog names for him ASAP. Some people automatically want to choose a rough and tumble name for their pitbull because that is the image that most people have them. For them, their dog is fierce, protective and athletic like a superhero. We love the spirit of the West in each and every one of these names. Welcome to our complete guide to Pitbull dog names!Giving you the best Pitbull dog names around the world.. From unique to the cutest names for Pitbulls, scroll down … So, in this article, we have listed down 200+ Badass Dog names for your male and female puppies under different themes. ... Big Dog Names Male. Along with old-school badass dog names like Buster and Butch, cool new badass names such as Axel, Hendrix, and Maverick are popular for puppies today.

I don’t have a lab we just got Germany shepherd. ... Pitbull, Boxer and so on. Video of the Day And no one has more tough dog names than the list below, which features 111 monikers — strong and durable all — drawn from pop culture, sports, food, and more.

This is a powerful and peaceful choice for the dog that helps to keep the house calm. Elvis [el-vis] We all know the King of Rock. Famous Bull Names In Real Life. DogSpot celebrates the love and passion pet parents have for their pets. This breed has a strong and tough personality and tough names are ideal for this puppy. 3 COMMENTS. Pitbull dog names are plentiful, but many of them depend directly on the personality of the dog. The American Bully is a medium-sized dog, with a powerful head and very strong muscles. He was the highest and most supreme of all the gods and deities. Meet 'Hulk': The Giant 175lb Family Pit BullSUBSCRIBE: We upload a new incredible video every weekday. For example, is your dog physically strong or has a strong personality? Michael Stow on November 26, 2017: I named my blue brindle male pit bull hemi after the strongest dodge motor ever made. Here are our top choices for tough names for your new friend: Arnie; Boxer; Brawler; Bruiser; Brutus; Butch; Chomp; Chopper; Craggy; Crash; Devil Many good ideas for tough sounding names can be derived from metals, Greek gods, and weapons. Cute names, tough names, unique names and strong names all are included in good names. Jaws (from the Movie with the same name) Bud – Bud is famous for making the first trip across the US from NYC to San Francisco with his owner.

So, that name can suit very well your male dog if it has a protective nature and is highly skilled. Blur; Fleck; Archie; Igloo; Harrison; Dollar; Dinky; Peach; Punch; Switch; Splat; Jinx; Treacle; Andy; Snowy; Saxe; Rocky; Chalky; Chase; Rex; Many of us are struggling for choosing a best name for dog. We’re sure you’ll love these female cowboy names, but just in case they inspired you to look at an even broader list of female names, check out our complete list here. Was born a … Explore Breed Specific Dog Names. Perfect for your feisty little male pup. With names ranging from iconic characters and landmarks to some plain tough names!

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